Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Girls Night IN- #cleverdessert #spon

Thanks to Duncan Hines for sponsoring my writing. There's no limit to the baking possibilities, so grab your favorite Duncan Hines mix and Comstock or Wilderness fruit fillings and Bake On!

As you know, this has been *quite* the trying term.  Well, as of this weekend, the assignments are all turned in and I'm shouting from the rooftops :Free At Last!  Free At Last!:

In celebration, "the girls" from my book club and I decided to celebrate with a "Girls Night In"  -  since its the holiday's and all, we tied it into an impromptu Holiday Party, complete with delicious adult drinks (My drink of choice, the Bourbon Ball Martini which I learned how to make while down in Louisville-  quite YUM  and definitely perfect for a holiday get together)  and white elephant gifts.    I have not laughed that hard in a really long time.  It was nice to actually socialize for a change, catch up with my girls and actually have an evening where I wasn't thinking "oh man, I should really get home..I have so much to do".  What a wonderful way to spend my first night of freedom!

If you've never done a White Elephant before, it's quite fun (and simple)-  you take an old or old/new (ie- "new" but sitting in your house for however long) item, wrap it up and bring it to the party.  From there everyone's rules differ, but you essentially all choose & open a present and then madness ensues.

I ended up "gifting"  an 8 foot blow up snowman that I received as a xmas present a few years back, and received in return a singing GLEE Magic 8 Ball.  Definitely worth the trade in my opinion.

But even without the gifts and the drinks, its always good to throw your head back and have a good hard laugh til you can't breathe night with your friends, and that is definitely what Saturday was for me.  It made me realize that no matter how busy I get with school- I need to stop once in a while and make time for fun once in a while.

Have you had a fun girls night in recently?  I'd love to hear about it!

Remember to check out Duncan Hines' website to find some great recipes for your holiday get-together! I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective.  They endorse Blog With Integrity, as do I


Anonymous said...

I recently hosted a girls' night in with a few girlfriends. I made mac and cheese for dinner, and we watched "Bridesmaids" all while sipping champagne. We even stayed up until 4 in the morning! We had so much fun that we're talking about doing it more often.