Monday, November 14, 2011

Millie Meets Emmie

Since I'm a day behind on posting (and, well- since I didn't post at all this past weekend)  I'm going to post out of order, because I KNOW you're all dying to know about meeting Emily more so than my vegetarian's foodie tour of Louisville (which- was delicious by the way-  will post on that tomorrow).

Saturday was the day that Emily and I got together.  Can we just rewind a bit and start with Saturday morning?  Okay-  so, first- the reason that I was in Louisville to begin with is because I'm a Kentucky Colonel-  and we had our annual Day At the Races fundraiser.  So, since Emily (you know her as Skinny Emmie) lives in Lexington and I was in Louisville I asked her if she wanted to come join the party- to which she said yes (yay!).

I've been having mini fashion crisis's for like Oh, Don't know a month maybe-  over what to wear.  If you follow Skinny Emmie- you know she is *quite* the fashionista.  Seriously.  I thought I could rock some awesome ensembles, but she certainly has an eye for fashion as well.  I finally settled on an outfit (because my original dress that I ordered from Old Navy came ripped grr)  and grabbed some panty hose last minute at the avenue on Wednesday night before I left-  and I never opened them or checked them.

So let's go back to Saturday morning- where we were before I tangent-ed (is that a word? meh, whatever)

Every colonel attending the event was either at our hotel or at the over flow hotel down the street.  Anticipating another year of long waits for Room Service or long lines at the restaurant Mr. Millie went to get bfast while I ran around my hotel room like a crazed women trying to do my hair, makeup and just in general get ready.

:brief tangent:

Why is it that as women, even though we wake up an hour before our husbands, they still manage to jump in and out of a shower, and get dressed and ready- and are finished in like twenty minutes tops-  then they repeatedly look at their watch like you are purposely taking a millenium to get ready yourself. -  so frustrating.

Anyhow-  hair and makeup finally done- I whip out said pantyhose and discover- they were made for a midget.  They were certainly NOT my size pantyhose.  Great- just great- I thought- now what am I going to do.  Thankfully I had packed 2 outfits- one in case it was cold and one in case it was warm (it was warm)  so I had leggings intended to be worn under my "cold" outfit which I used under my skirt.  It probably looked a but weird but whatevs.

We get to the racetrack -  settle in- and Emily arrives (YAY).  My first thought "Gosh she is TALL" -  I'm 5 foot 9  so I'm certainly not short- and she is taller than me.  I'm *quite* certain she is 6 foot.
But other than that-  it was like we have known each other forever.  I was so afraid there would be a lot of random bouts of uncomfortable silence where we just kind of stared at each other- but since I think I'm incapable of silence anyway- and my mouth moves about a million miles a minute- we didn't have to worry about that.

And-  guess WHAT?  Emily has decided to come to Illinois in June for the SHEROX triathlon :raises roof:

So, I'm putting you ALL on notice.  You have six months-  why don't you train and join us?  It will be fun with a capital F.

Here are some shots from the afternoon:

This is us trackside (well, above the track)-  but outside. Photo credit to Papa Millie

Here's one of us at our table-  Emily and her Husband, Me, my husband's friend Scott and my Husband in the upper left corner with the matchy matchy blue tie :)

And, one of just me, by myself- because I was channeling Sasha Fierce -  I think I looked pretty good! :)  

So-  details to follow-  BUT

Save the Date!
Sunday June 10th, 2012
Naperville, IL
( link is to the 2011 info-  2012 Info Not Posted yet!) 

Be there- or be SQUARE!